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Members Benefit from Christmas Savers Account at Blues and Twos Credit Union

Blues and Twos Credit Union is thrilled to announce the resounding success of its Christmas 2025 Saver account. With an impressive 5.5% AER variable interest rate, the account attracted significant interest from both existing and new members while the deposit window was open from 1st to 31st December 2024.

Friday 17 January 2025

Blues and Twos Credit Union is thrilled to announce the resounding success of its Christmas 2025 Saver account. With an impressive 5.5% AER variable interest rate, the account attracted significant interest from both existing and new members while the deposit window was open from 1st to 31st December 2024.

Since its launch, the Christmas 2025 Saver has seen over 300 members take advantage of the attractive savings opportunity. This specialised savings account encourages members to save monthly, with contributions ranging from £10 to £200 per month, and no withdrawals allowed until the account matures on November 30, 2025.

The Christmas 2025 Saver is designed to help members budget for the next festive season, ensuring they have a dedicated fund for Christmas 2025 or anything they wish to use the funds for. By keeping their Christmas savings separate from their regular savings, members can better manage their finances and avoid the stress of last-minute holiday spending.

Vicky Harrison, Chief Executive Officer said “Encouraging members & new members to save at least £10 a month into a Regular Saver is our aim across our payroll partnerships to help employers improve financial well-being across their employ.

“Saving with Blues and Twos helps these individuals build a savings fund to call on whenever they need too, for Christmas or for any emergency during the year from their Regular Saver.

“Blues and Twos Credit Union continues to prioritise the financial well-being of our members, offering a range of savings and loan products tailored to meet their needs. The success of the Christmas 2025 Saver is a testament to our commitment to providing valuable financial solutions and fostering a community of financially savvy individuals.”

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