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CU Futures class of 2020 comes to end as another year begins

At the ABCUL Annual Conference in March, our flagship young professionals development programme celebrated the graduation of its fourth cohort of participants brining the total number of participants to complete CU Futures since its inception to 49.

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Tuesday 16 January 2024

At the ABCUL Annual Conference in March, our flagship young professionals development programme celebrated the graduation of its fourth cohort of participants brining the total number of participants to complete CU Futures since its inception to 49.

Each year candidates work on a group project to address a challenge facing the credit union sector. After much debate the winners were Hannah Copson (Penny Post Credit Union), Jade Johnson (Plane Saver Credit Union) and Amy Shippley (Police Credit Union) with their excellent concept and of a financial education programme to be delivered through colleges.

This week, the new class CU Futures 2021, the young professionals’ development programme delivered in partnership by the ABCUL and the Credit Union Foundation, met in Manchester to begin their journey for 2020/2021.

Launched in 2016, CU Futures is now in its fifth year of operation and this year’s class spent the day getting to know their fellow peers, learning more about the year-long programme, and hearing presentations from members of the ABCUL staff team including Chief Executive, Robert Kelly.

“Obviously the launch of  CU Futures was slightly different, as we had to deliver it online, however, we were determined to continue to enable another group of ambitious young people from across our sector to benefit from this innovative programme’  says Head of Member Services of ABCUL, Rosanna Donovan.

Over the next 12 months, the CU Futures will undertake a range of activities focused on their own personal development as well as expanding their exposure to the wider sector and supporting them to think strategically about the future of credit unions in Britain.

Looking forward to the year ahead, Rosanna added that: ” Like every year, this class has an enthusiastic passion for our sector and are keen to get started. CU Futures is a standout programme in our sector and receives enormous support from credit unions. The graduation each year at our Annual Conference has become a highlight of the event and the programme is able to operate thanks to generous donations from credit unions and individuals all across Britain.

Congratulations and good luck to all the participants in the CU Futures 2020/2021 programme, who are:

Emily Alexander – Advance Credit Union
Natalie Gunn – Serve and Protect Credit Union
Amy Tompkins – Commsave Credit Union
Lewis Price – Penny Post Credit Union
Jake Hatch – The Co-operative Credit Union
Nathan Ellis – Enterprise Credit Union
Jonny Boult – Blues and Twos Credit Union
Zara Rose – Central Liverpool Credit Union


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