Governance Query
Hi there,
I am looking for some advice / best practice on how other CU’s are managing Governance around the Board, its membership and effectiveness etc. I ask the Board to complete an annual attestation, the Chair conducts an annual performance review and we are also running an annual background check. My reading of the the regulators position is the classic ‘get out of jail free’ approach of “we wont tell you how to do it but you must satisfy yourself”. Happy to be corrected if there is explicit guidelines somewhere.
Is this proportionate? It is a bit of a hot potato between me and the NED’s as to who takes charge of it all and manages it. It would be good to hear how others approach it. With the recent PRA letter to CU’s it feels like there is more and more evidence to support a part time paid role to ensure all of this stuff is ticking over.
I did review the ABCUL document library and the Directors handbook has loads of good content in it. However, I am fairly sure it is from 2012 and some of the content is outdated. I think it would be a worthy exercise to bring this document up to date and include within it lots of best practice – @jake-hatchabcul-org (tagging you as the only member of ABCUL staff I could find).
Thank you in advance!
Sean Lynch - CEO Citysave Credit Union Ltd Mobile: 07787431350 E-mail:
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